22tracks is going global

Vincent Reinders
Published in
2 min readOct 17, 2016


Exactly seven years after our launch, a completely revamped 22tracks will be presented this Saturday during Amsterdam Dance Event. We’re headed into a new direction to maintain our position as a leading music curation platform, and there will be some big changes:

First of all, we’ll be crossing borders by working with DJs and tastemakers from all around the world, no longer limiting ourselves to four cities. As music is a global community, this has been a long standing dream for everyone involved with 22tracks.

Secondly, we are bringing our curation to platforms where people are already listening. We will be partnering up with existing streaming services to provide curation on the largest catalogues of music in the world.

We will be launching a completely new 22tracks.com, which will remain a great platform to discover playlists. Our Sonos and iPhone apps however will go offline on October 19 and October 21 respectively. This week My22 users can export a list of their saved tracks once they log in on the website.

After the update, our regular playlists as you know them will no longer exist, but most 22tracks curators will stay on board to bring you genre overviews and more editorial artist and label specials. This allows for more musical depth and variety than ever before.

We’re extremely happy to have been in the forefront of music discovery and the streaming music revolution since 2009. Join us for our next chapter.

Watch 22tracks.com closely and feel free to follow us on Spotify.

